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Detroit, Michigan recent comments:

  • St Anthony's Catholic Church, Profcard wrote 9 years ago:
    It is closed?
  • Former site of J&L Specialty Steel, Michelle Smith wrote 9 years ago:
    My dad worked here for years and when the plant closed they had no warning. They were all gathered into a room, where they sat for hours then finally told they would not be opening the doors to the plant again. Gave then 4 months severance and sent them off. It was done so wrong. Thankfully my father found work at Fermi.
  • Alfred Brush Ford Park, pat (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    I am confused -- I grew up on Chalmers in the 50's thru 1971 -- When did Lakewood park become Alfred Brush Ford Park -- It is good to see the old Nike Missile base being used for something good
  • Former site of J&L Specialty Steel, Blue Wilson (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Ty, your correct. I represent the retirees of McLouth and J&L USW Local 2659 Blue Wilson
  • Boydell Building, Robert Bob Weidendorf wrote 9 years ago:
    Date of construction should probably be 1883, not 1983
  • Booth Memorial Hospital, Steven Taylor (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    I was born there in Sept 1957
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, Carmen (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    This did happen for all you doubting it. I live in Detroit and remember it all. Yes records are sealed due to age.
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, . (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Who was the kid that shot him? Any records on him?
  • Library Street, DetroitDan wrote 10 years ago:
    The northwestern segment, between Grand River and John R, is actually a continuation of Farmer Street (not Library Street),
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, Marissa Anne wrote 10 years ago:
    Dark alley? It happened in broad daight.
  • 2751 East Jefferson Avenue, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Modeled to foundation.
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, Quest (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    OMG the guy tells it how it happened and people call him the lad nearly died got he's life taken away from him within a blink of an eye he lives to tell the story not all friends have ya back I bet the lad who's done it has no friends disguisting they should name and shame him get et he deserve if he makes it out of jail that is Ross you are a gods gift from heaven to have survived this brutal attack I wish you all the best for the future and live happily
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, Michelle (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Since the perpetrator waa a juvenile, it would make sense that it is hard to substantiate. The record would be sealed.
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, ------- (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I went to high school with Ross. Every statement was truthful. Shame on you people for trying to "substantiate" anything. The kid was almost murdered by his own friend.
  • Former Kmart, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    I'm certain Dollar Deals didn't take up all the space.
  • UAW-GM Center for Human Resources, Mary (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Landscape architecture by Grissim Metz Andriese Associates
  • American Integrated Supply, Steve J (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    My Uncle Gwyn helped out with the Perry Screw and Bolt
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Hey guys. Wikimapia mod here. The tiniest bit of Google searching mentions that it was Capicchioni's own friend that did the deed, so it wasn't the "kill a stranger" thing. It also makes more sense as that's why he was in a dark alley to begin with.
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, Peter (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Isn't a myth at all actually. It's usually a defenseless homeless person though.
  • Michigan State Fairgrounds, Mary (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Wheres the name bricks they sold to people in 1998