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Detroit, Michigan recent comments:

  • former McGraw Candy World, Matt B (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    So sad. I drove by there again tonight (3-26-18) and the House this store was attached to seemingly has burnt down or was demolished. All that is left of this business is literally the shell of the original store in its concrete blocks with black soot and faded detailing advertising their products . I always wondered what this place might have looked like back in the day when Detroit was still something...
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, X (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    What’s his name
  • Booth Memorial Hospital, Lovell walker (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    I was born there too in 1973...
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, Tig (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    Dumb fuck
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, Tig (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    Not a myth dumb ass that shit has happened many and plenty of times. I swear some people comment when I swear try to purposely sound fucking retarded so that they can argue with people haha so honestly I shouldn't even be commenting to speak on how fucking stupid your comment sounds
  • East Detroit, n/a (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    I'm going to guess less than 50 people live in this area, it's all either fields, charred remains, or abandoned homes
  • Brush Park, n/a (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    Now it's full of abandoned fields...
  • Booth Memorial Hospital, Debra Forgach Henninger (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    My brother, Richard, was born there in November 1942.
  • BEAUBIEN ST Interlocking, guest (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    can you please find the name? please name all the interlockings named "Interlocking" to the actual name.
  • Booth Memorial Hospital, David Harvell (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    I was born there Sept 4th 1959 -
  • Booth Memorial Hospital, Bob Springer (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    I was born there on June 11 1941 to Helen (Beahon) and Robert Springer I now live in Albuquerque New Mexico, but have quite a few cousins in Detroit
  • former Wolverine Tube, Barry (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    I agree, Dad, Frank Schigelone, was one of the last employees to go out when the place folded. Dad had 40 years there...his pension, when he finally got it, was around $110.00. He was about 60 yrs old. He found a job at McCord Gasket in Wyandotte, MI & was able to work until he was 70 in order to get another meager pension....
  • former Wolverine Tube, Dale Rose (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    But, the pensions were reduced by UOP from a maximum of $550 per month to $110 per month. I worked there for 2 years, until the very last day, at which day we had a big party.
  • Booth Memorial Hospital, Rosemary (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Two of my children were born there in 59 and 60 because our doctor asked if we would be willing to help support the girls there who were living and working at the hospital. Of course we were very happy to do what we could to help. While there we found out that those girls helped with the laundry and also made some of the baby garments used at the hos[ital. The babies also received very good care and the girls also helped with that, too. It broke my heart when I overheard the conversation from across the hall. A very young girl had apparently delivered her baby and the new grandmother was yelling at the new mother, telling her that the little *&^&**@ was never coming to her home! That new mother did nothing but cry the rest of the day and evening. I still think about that unhappy young girl and often wonder what happened to that family. Rosemary 2017
  • Booth Memorial Hospital, charlie (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    I was born there in 1946
  • Juno's Wig Center, Merle Anderson (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    can i get an updated phone number for this junos at 15334 Gr. River Ave.
  • Henry Ford's grave site, Jerry Gohs wrote 8 years ago:
    I remember when my mother took me as she went to his funeral in (I think) 1947, sitting in her car on the side of Joy Road. I may be the only person alive who attended his funeral. Those older than me are probably dead and those younger than me were probably not there. I would be interested in anyone else can make that claim.
  • former Blue Army Marian Center, Leonard (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    We moved our location to the City of Riverview MI 48193 734-281-1445
  • Detroit Area Residents East , alan stirling (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Its back. Refiled in 2016. New registered agent is Alan Stirling, address 12007 Rossiter, Detroit, Mi. 48224. President: Alan Stirling
  • Site of the Ross Capicchioni shooting, Suban (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    True Story by the way if you wanted listen to the guys story